Documentation policy

This page describes the AML AI policy for different documentation artifacts.

Artifact type Description Frequency of generation
User Guides, How-To Guides, and the API Reference

This documentation comprises the definition of the product; documentation is updated as capabilities change. This includes the following:

  • User Guides: Step-by-step manuals on how to use the AML AI product
  • How-to Guides: Documents that tell users how to complete important tasks
  • API Reference: Exhaustive descriptions of functions, classes, and methods

Updated with each product release and updated periodically as needed
Release Notes This documentation provides announcements of changes to product features and functionality, including supporting performance metrics and results. Provided with each product version release, including APIs and engine versions
Concept Docs (includes model governance support documentation)

A document describing use cases, approaches, select solutions, and methodologies followed for significant decisions affecting the model.

Where functionality is proprietary, a Concept Doc describes the preceding but may choose to exclude specific solution areas if these are protected IP. In this case, the general approach, methodology, and validation of the technique is presented.

Provided when there is a major engine version release, which includes significant change in product design or evaluation methodologies that may require updating of governance support materials (available on request for AML AI customers)
Automated Reports Quantitative outputs and/or audit logs Generated upon API call