Extract from earnings report

Extract insights of an earnings report.

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Given the earning report:

Earnings Report for Q1 2023

Company: GOOD Corp.


Metric Actual Target Variance
Revenue $250 million $200 million 50 million
Gross Profit $125 million $100 million 25 million
Operating Income $60 million $45 million 15 million
Net Income $40 million $30 million 10 million
Earnings Per Share (EPS) $1.60 $1.20 0.40

Key Highlights:

  • Revenue significantly exceeded target by 25%, reaching an all-time high for the quarter.
  • Gross profit margin expanded to 50%, reflecting increased efficiency in operations.
  • New product launches and strong demand for existing products drove top-line growth.
  • Cost optimization initiatives and operating leverage contributed to strong profitability gains.
  • EPS outperformed expectations by 33%, highlighting the company's exceptional execution.


  • GOOD Corp. remains optimistic about its performance in the coming quarters.
  • The company expects continued high demand for its medical devices and services.
  • Ongoing investment in research and development will fuel future innovation and growth.
  • The management team is confident in achieving full-year guidance for 2023.

Could you classify the report by 'meet, exceed, below' in the JSON below:

{ "Revenue": "", "EPS": "", "Gross Profit": "", "Operating Income": "", "Net Income": "", }


json { "Revenue": "exceed", "EPS": "exceed", "Gross Profit": "exceed", "Operating Income": "exceed", "Net Income": "exceed" }
Model: gemini-1.5-flash-001
Temperature: 1
Max output tokens: 8192
TopK: 40
TopP: 0.95