gcloud alpha ml speech recognizers update

gcloud alpha ml speech recognizers update - update a Speech-to-text recognizer
gcloud alpha ml speech recognizers update (RECOGNIZER : --location=LOCATION) [--async] [--audio-channel-count=AUDIO_CHANNEL_COUNT] [--display-name=DISPLAY_NAME] [--enable-automatic-punctuation=ENABLE_AUTOMATIC_PUNCTUATION] [--enable-spoken-emojis=ENABLE_SPOKEN_EMOJIS] [--enable-spoken-punctuation=ENABLE_SPOKEN_PUNCTUATION] [--enable-word-confidence=ENABLE_WORD_CONFIDENCE] [--enable-word-time-offsets=ENABLE_WORD_TIME_OFFSETS] [--encoding=ENCODING] [--language-codes=[LANGUAGE_CODE,…]] [--max-speaker-count=MAX_SPEAKER_COUNT] [--min-speaker-count=MIN_SPEAKER_COUNT] [--model=MODEL] [--profanity-filter=PROFANITY_FILTER] [--sample-rate=SAMPLE_RATE] [GCLOUD_WIDE_FLAG]
(ALPHA) Update a Speech-to-text recognizer.
Recognizer resource - recognizer. The arguments in this group can be used to specify the attributes of this resource. (NOTE) Some attributes are not given arguments in this group but can be set in other ways.

To set the project attribute:

  • provide the argument recognizer on the command line with a fully specified name;
  • set the property core/project;
  • provide the argument --project on the command line.

This must be specified.

ID of the recognizer or fully qualified identifier for the recognizer.

To set the recognizer attribute:

  • provide the argument recognizer on the command line.

This positional argument must be specified if any of the other arguments in this group are specified.

Location of the recognizer. To set the location attribute:
  • provide the argument recognizer on the command line with a fully specified name;
  • provide the argument --location on the command line.
Return immediately, without waiting for the operation in progress to complete. The default is False.
Number of channels present in the audio data sent for recognition. Supported for LINEAR16, MULAW, ALAW.
Name of this recognizer as it appears in UIs.
If true, adds punctuation to recognition result hypotheses.
If true, adds spoken emoji formatting.
If true, replaces spoken punctuation with the corresponding symbols in the request.
If true, the top result includes a list of words and the confidence for those words.
If true, the top result includes a list of words and their timestamps.
Encoding format of the provided audio. For headerless formats, must be set to LINEAR16, MULAW, or ALAW. For other formats, set to AUTO.
Language code is one of en-US, en-GB, fr-FR. Check documentation for using more than one language code.
Maximum number of speakers in the conversation.
Minimum number of speakers in the conversation.
latest_long or latest_short
If true, the server will censor profanities.
Sample rate in Hertz of the audio data sent for recognition. Required if using explicit decoding.
These flags are available to all commands: --access-token-file, --account, --billing-project, --configuration, --flags-file, --flatten, --format, --help, --impersonate-service-account, --log-http, --project, --quiet, --trace-token, --user-output-enabled, --verbosity.

Run $ gcloud help for details.

This command is currently in alpha and might change without notice. If this command fails with API permission errors despite specifying the correct project, you might be trying to access an API with an invitation-only early access allowlist.